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[Mario Hierro] “Mario Hierro I think I loose some meaning in the intersection of the subtlety of your text and my shortages in english. Still, this substantialization was just an experimentation, in fact desire would be a non-substantial substance, it is like a pure relation had agency and power (to bind things together, to take them to its limit…). Is like if I was saying, to substantialize difference, which in fact is what de-substantializes anything. Also, is interesting this emergency of void or nothingness, which in fact comes into play with this centrality of desire. A desire without a body would have to operate, somehow, in vacuity. In my opinion, nothingness is impossible (because in fact, is something), and there is a curious dialectics between the impossibility of nothingness (which is condition for its possibility) and the potentialities of desire.”
{AK}: I guess there’s more than one way of substantialising, it doesn’t have to be quite such an absolute binary sort of thing.
The notion of ‘pure relation’, together with its configuring power, drawing that which it configures to a limit, suggests the metaphysical picturing is energised, and ‘at work’. Your point about substantialising the difference that desubstantialises, hints at that, too.
I understand what you’re suggesting with the substantialisation of desire beyond its usual configuration with its corollary and conventional distribution of ‘agency’. Desire itself becomes the agent. That’s why I thought Buddhist considerations might be relevant.
The question of ‘nothingness’ being ‘impossible’, because ‘in fact’ it is ‘something’; is the metaphysical question that the Schopenhauer quote distinguishes aptly.
A fact, or ‘factum’, is a ‘thing made’. Just as any identity is a construction, one constructed out of substantialising assumptions; so, too, is any ‘factual identity’. The referential ‘something’ is in advance an assumed position, which seeks substantialisation if subjected to the pressures and conditions of ontological demand and enquiry, as in ‘What is it?’.
You’re right, that there is a curious dialectics involved, in the expectations of desire.
Nietzsche’s phrase: “The highest will to power, is to imprint Being upon Becoming”; outlines effectively this printing of yearning, as it were.
[Mario Hierro] “I would bet for a complete substantialization of desire.
Desire being everywhere, anywhere. Desire being a substantive, not just a verb (desiring) or an adjective (desirable). Is not just that I desire to eat, neither that eating is desirable, but that desire eats.
A desire without a body, with its virtual machineries or diagrams. Desire as an univocal content for multiple expressions. An immanent god.
Concentrical and centripetal vectoriality, condensation into affective attractors and passional triggers, dissipation into actions and explosions. Also power, as its codification, regulation, fixation, domination, exploitation. Also potency, as its force, capacity, frequency, liberation, exploration.
Potency as the affirmation of desire; power as its negation; resistance, as its reaffirmation.”
{AK}: Desire, as an ur-principle, has no problem at all in producing a semantic field or grid, total in coverage, one whose seeming universal extent can then be substantialised on the basis of this completion.
Desire and dunamis; the power of need, the power of capability. Interlinked concepts, a semantic climate within which it is always possible to dwell.
But the exclusive privileging of this conceptual level, in its conventional senses, as in the artificial constancy of a ‘climate control’, bespeaks only the monoconceptual conventionality of the substance it incessantly declares.
The anthropic dramas it celebrates through such declaration, are artefacts of encounter, selected and scaled; metaphysical habitats, self-veiled.
[Schopenhauer]: “On the contrary, we freely acknowledge that what remains after the complete abolition of the will is, for all who are still full of the will, assuredly nothing. But also conversely, to those in whom the will has turned and denied itself, this very real world of ours with all its suns and galaxies, is – nothing.
This “nothing,” however, “is also the PrajnaParamita of the Buddhists, the ‘beyond all knowledge,’ in other words, the point where subject and object no longer exist.” (WWR, pp 41112)
{AK}: I guess, if anything can be ‘Nothing’, i.e., if no determinate substantia can be said to obtain, in such a way, as to ground traditional metaphysical schemas, or ‘worlds’; according to the remits of the usual dogmatisms; then ineluctably another way of proceeding comes into play, beyond & other than the usual response of simply restating neglected metaphysica, as ‘positions’ or posited anchors. The angst of anchoring proves redundant.
But the calculi of clinging to determinations of ‘desire’, as in the simplicities of positivist instrumentalisation, more often than not leads only to the classic Occidental oscillation: “Rather than not will, it wills nothing (destruction) at all” Heidegger.
If desire is the production of refications (“things”), it is thus a principle of their production.
But the notion of a thing or entity arises as an abbreviated perspective; that is to say, a construction of entitative (en)closure produced as in an intersection of forces, of which a subset of forces are responsible for entitative interpretation.
When entitative interpretation is radically responsible for the abbreviated readings of objectivity, the notion of desire as their ostensible mode of production, becomes a feature of perspectival interpretation, one facet of metaphysical possibility, glinting intermittently in the light of revolving consideration(s).
If the metaphysics of desire is substantialised as an explanatory perspective, it requires objectifications, both at the level of principle and the level of operation, as structural moments of the logic describing its metaphysics.
Desire is always towards the desired, which is refied or objectified, as such.
If the metaphysics of physics and energy (energiea, work) are similarly substantialised, as explanatory perspective; objectivity has to do with structural recurrences, and appears through the interaction of these structural recurrences, of which a subset of interactions are held to constitute systems of structural perception – they perceive those structures.
These two substantial perspectives play out the twinned logic of another, ‘form’ and ‘force’. The articulation of the one always requires the resources’ of the other. Although, it might be thought that the logic of negation emerges out of a more formal logic and consideration suited to objectivity, rather than the differential nature of force or forces, the notion of a ‘force’ is just as much a reified identity or ‘object’ as any other, and therefore just as susceptible to the logic of position and negation.
Prior to any consideration of positing or negating; of ‘form’ or of ‘force’; the radical origination of identity, its usual metaphysics and supervenient assumptions, all need to be mobilised according to a mutual combinatorics of speculative projection; where each and every objectification, regardless of its traditional positionings as ‘element’ or ‘derivation’ in local metaphysical systems, is a possible substance and monadic perspective in its own right.
This is a necessary first step in generating the space of a new theoretical agility, no longer solely bound by perspectival notions of structure, and the local notions of ‘purpose’ and ‘interest’, from which their identifications originate.
The radical mobilisation of identity does not at all neglect the traditional and contemporary preoccupations associated with those notions, but neither does it neglect the opportunity for unlimited intercessions prior to the operations of identity assumption. Such a radical priority alone, cannot constitute a General Conceptual Holography, especially when considering the contingency of both logical, and chronological or temporal, sequencings. But as methodological strategy, enabling nominally ‘radical’ considerations that nonetheless exceed the holding patterns of positivist fixation responsible for the blockages of contemporary thought, the tactic of declaring a more profound beginning, has the merit of introducing a fresh configuration of inquiry, unburdened by the insular expectations of habitual nostalgia, though without neglecting possible aetiologies of that nostalgia.
Apparently, Big W, the Inuit have fifty words for snow. They could well regard Europeans as having “invented essentially zilch”, in comparison to themselves. ‘Zilch’, hides everything one is ignorant of; everything, outside of one’s channels of positivist preoccupation and emphasis.
The USA has a foundation of European-rejected extremities; Puritan and penal.
This background – Neoreaction and the All-Trite would call it ‘genetic’ – of religious and penal rejects, could well explain U.S. Americans extremist obsession with justification, whether in moral or other forms. It also explains the casuistical cast of its litigious propensities, with the sphere of reflexive legislation being exploited by ‘patent trolls’, for example. This boosts the market for nostalgic moral imagery, harking back to idealised simplicities, after the trials and tribulations of such ongoing exploitations.
Positivist approaches, done in exclusivist ways, usually lead to conditional reflexivity, which exclusivist habit is inequipped to deal with, being constrained by the inadequacy of its own stock of overstretched assumptions; all of which, usually results in a background of barely controlled and channelised, mass hysteria, which of course is an ongoing market of profitable anxieties to be assuaged.
When those channels of positivist assumption are habitual horizons of theoretical fixation, a particular kind of fundamentalism obtains, throughout all positions and contradictions on the surface which it governs. That positivist surface, is, the USA. If one wishes to understand it’s conditions, one has to transcend the fundamentalism of that surface. In fact, one has to transcend the entire Occident.
Quick response to Terence Blake’s “ZIZEK ON DELEUZES LETTER: against identitarianism“
[terenceblake] “so it is only fitting that Zizek misreads it, and Deleuze’s work generally, as avoiding any encounter with Hegel, who he (Zizek) claims represents “absolute Alterity”.
{AK}: What would “absolute alterity” mean?
The notion of otherness, inherently presupposes that of identity. Without an identity positioning, the ‘other to-‘ relation cannot obtain. So, strictly speaking, if “absolute alterity” is in any way identified, as severed from identity, it could no longer be ‘alterity’. Its absolute inflation exceeds the relation of its production.
As can be seen in the italicisation above, this absolute inflation is itself a product of a totalising identification.
Zizek’s phrasing, reflects the positivist assumptions of a simplifying, substantialist procedure, neglecting logical and implicative conditions. It has never been the case, that identity thinking, or differential thought, are in and of themselves essentially inadequate or deficient in any way. How can they be, given their essential complicity? But it is the case, that practices of positivist abbreviation and assumption, lead to the cul de sacs and fixations of habitually unthinking and inappropriate, substantial commitments. Such an entrainment of abridged assumptions; mechanically, lazily, illogically, and incompetently applied; results in insularity and positivist instrumentalisation. It is the inflation, not of identities or differences, but of fixations, however those fixations might be characterised, in what can only be called an imperialism of insularity.
The question might be asked, however, as to how the determination of ‘fixation’ is to be accomplished. For some, asking questions and honest consideration, are all that is necessary to discern theoretical blockage. For others, caught in the grip of fixation, more work is perhaps necessary. But the question itself, when in the modality of hasty demand, exemplifies fixation.
[terenceblake] “All the uncertainty is left out.”
{AK}: Yes, and all the stupidity is left in! That, in a positivist nutshell (nut’s hell), is the exclusionary procedure of positivist instrumentalisation.
This was a quick thing, occasioned by reading a long FB post mentioning art and its interpretations. I include it here, on Visions of Temporal Accumulation, because it mentions ‘monadic consideration’, which takes on a specific resonance in my work on General Conceptual Holography.
Whilst the artwork has long been institutionalised as a sociopolitical staging, and mantrick direction, for monadic considerations and contemplations; anything at all, really, can be utilised for such meditations, at the individual’s idiomatic leisure. The artwork, is thus not necessarily obliged to take sociopolitical form. Neither is it compelled to show, at any point, any signs that might distinguish ‘artistry’ or the ‘artistic’, as if such signposts could position Art and its workings in anything other than a conventional way.
One could, of course, object that an Art without defining boundaries, is no Art at all, or is a totalitarian Art, the hegemony of its aestheticising substance an absolute sublation or sublimation, towards some so-called gesamtkunstwerk or other. Such an objection, of course, has merit as a ‘cautionary’ towards clarity, but speculative considerations of definition do not usually exceed the extrapolatory scope of the conventionscapes of their origination, new maps are required for the heart of art: charts that may well exceed the entire institutionalisation of ‘Art’, without any totalising gestures.
{AK}: “(Microsoft) Cognitive Services”, is on the Azure, cloud platform. I looked at that, a few months ago, it’s very good.
[Fabio Moioli] “The improvements we are making in understanding speech and language are driving a paradigm shift, moving away from a world where we’ve had to understand computers to one where computers understand humans. We call this conversational AI. In addition, tools such as Microsoft Bot Framework, already used by 130.000+ AI developers, are helping people to interact in a more natural way with AI.”
{AK}: There are different ways of looking at that.
It contrasts two forms of understanding, ‘computing’ and ‘human’. But we must ask, on what basis, does this contrast obtain? Do not humans compute? What, really, is ‘computing’? What, really, is ‘human? Here’s what Sol Yurick has to say about it:
“With the invention of new sensing devices, new perceptual systems come on line. All beings are some function of their information intake, no matter how indirectly the information is received. What was done in the mind must now be done through computers … programs begin to become quasi-solidified thought. New procedures for action and behavior take the form of a ritual, requiring the playing of an excruciating game called programming. People resist? The languages are too hard, the steps too long and complicated? Money is now poured into developing computers that “talk English,” are touch-responsive or voice-activated. Computers for dummies.”
Sol Yurick, “Metatron”, in “Introduction”
If we look at things informationally, then there are only different systems, whether biological in form, or not. Arguably, everything ‘human’, is susceptible to cybernetic or systematic representation, and thus, to computability.
Equally, though, everything ‘human’, through this very computability, has the potential to re-present, and configure, cybernetic systems.
The establishment of the cybernetic algorithm as a wider worldly emphasis, is the mundane institutionalisation of the purposes originating that cybernetic algorithm.
As we have seen, cybernetic control is a two way street, and all its systems can be gamed, by anyone ‘determined’ to do so. Both the good and the bad, of the human experience, are susceptible to cybernetic inflation. As the technosphere steadily permeates the ‘world’ with its systems; and as those systems spread according to human modes of utility and weaponisation; the entire spectrum of irresponsibilities characterising humanity secretly configures that ‘world’, in its own image and only according to its horizon of possibilities. ([Fabio Moioli] “We are also infusing AI into every product and service we offer, from Xbox to Windows, from Bing to Office.”)
Relinquishing the obligation to understand anything that transcends average human capacities, whilst increasing use of powers transcending those capacities, leads only to scenarios of dangerously inflated ignorance. One in which the ‘lack of understanding’ referred to earlier, infects those transcendences. It is too easily observed, that average human capacities, en masse, prefer the insularity of ignorance to the efforts of understanding. When the lazy ecstasy of thoughtless irresponsibility prevails over the demands of deep consideration, only anthropic futility and the limited horizons of its insularity, are left, with regard to informed action. As in ancient times, religious soothsayers filled the gaps of an unknown future. So now, artificial intelligence constitutes another hallucinated configuration of salvation waved at anxieties over the future; another system of prescribed ritual to be followed; another prewritten and inhabitable document of cybernetic self-fulfilment! ([Fabio Moioli] “To conclude, as the computer scientist Alan Kay said, “The best way to predict the future is to invent it”. Considering all of this, as an alternative, you may use Artificial Intelligence to predict it.”)
[terenceblake] “Laruelle’s “non-standard” thought is thus a half-way house between standard philosophy and ontological pluralism.
{AK}: Academic philosophies of-, are, without exception, metaphysical-semantic inflations of concepts. There is an unlimited conceptual alphabet, so to speak, the majority of which is neglected in favour of the anthropic and academic preoccupation with the notion of realisation, and it’s hypostatic imaging as the ‘real’. The inordinate inflation of this principle is mainly due to deprivation and expression anxieties. There are others, but their delineation requires a more expansive context of explication. We can call almost all socially institutionalised philosophy ‘realist’, in this sense. The reality principle is a not so strange attractor, exerting its pull on all communi-cable philosophies of the anthropic.
Laruelle’s response to both epistemological and ontological proliferation, is essentially a monist empiricism, or empirical monism, which he achieves largely through a judicious appropriation of Buddhist techniques of metaphysical deflation. His borrowings, though, are selective, serving the purposes of his monist empiricism. The nature of that selectivity; its procedures and omissions; strongly characterise it, I would argue, as an insidious apologia at the outset, for innate forms of positivist instrumentalisation at the social core. The instrumental option is nothing new, but the lengths to which Laruelle has gone, in order to absolutise it as a reality-bolstered axiom, show both a degree of intriguing defensiveness, and an ideological inflation of a very specific idea of ordinariness, which can only be characterised as some yet to be determined cultural resistance. The notion of resistance bespeaks a threat, whether hallucinated or not. Obviously, whatever its forms, that threat is interpreted as a threat to the core reality of positive instrumentalisation.
Laruelle’s conversion of philosophies into a Lego or Meccano set of material possibilities is something that SF thinking has been doing all along, with far greater range, but it doesn’t just do that alone, nor as some kind of monotonous revelation.
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<span style="font-family: Georgia;">[terenceblake] "There is the non-standard voice of an unknown stranger and an unassimilated foreigner in Laruelle’s texts (“étranger” in French means both stranger and foreigner) along with the more standard voice of a Continental academic philosopher. Even the title of the book expresses Laruelle’s awareness of, and struggle with these two voices.
Laruelle’s appeal and continuing relevance lies in the difficult and conflicted harmony (or at least co-presence) of these two voices. He maintains the exigency of immanence in perhaps its purest form today, although that very purity may have prevented him from attaining it except in its most general, and programmatic, outlines.</span>
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<span style="font-family: Georgia;">{AK}: How 'pure' can such an exigency be, if there are two irreducible voices? Is that not a telling duality artefact of the current fad for the transcendence of immanence? To describe it in terms of 'purity' at all, betrays this idealisation of the immanent, and thus, concomitantly, of its polar twin, the transcendent. The same conventional and questionable logic of metaphysical distribution informing both terms is at play; the same hallucinated surfaces of substantial structuring and positivist instrumentalisation continue on, like cartoon characters running past the edge of a cliff, in theoretical mid-air, their dogmatic limbs spinning around according to their misplaced nostalgias of effective philosophical or non-philosophical, action.
[terenceblake] “Reading this book and the immediately preceding books (where Laruelle tries to come to terms with Lacan) and also the succeeding ones (where he tries to come to terms with Levinas and Althusser), we can see that something more than non-philosophy is required if Laruelle is to actually implement his research programme.
Laruelle is in need of a non-standard supplement to allow him to pass from the critique of philosophy’s sufficiency and abstract programmatic talking about a different mode of thinking to its concrete practical effectuation.
{AK} When John Coltrane said that he didn’t know how to stop playing his saxophone solos, miles Davis told him: “Take the horn out of your mouth!”
[terenceblake] “We can conclude that despite the seeming promise of its (negative and positive) heuristic principles of Laruelle’s metaphysical research programme it is missing a crucial element: the bridging principle that would permit the practice of non-philosophical thought. This un-bridged gap accounts for the disappointing attempts at realisation, usually amounting to repetitive affirmations of a “new use of philosophy” by Laruelle and his disciples, as if simply proclaiming something made it so. This characterises Laruellean non-philosophy as a form of performative idealism
{AK}: I agree. There is a risk of instituting an insularity of action or performance, something I cautioned against, almost two years ago:
“[John Ó Maoilearca]: “Individually, they are all One – and this is firstly a performative gesture before it becomes an ontological thesis (that tells us ‘what they are’)”:
{AK}: If this “One” is “firstly” a somatic sign, is such deliverance into an ecstasy of accomplishings, not a flight into an ‘action mysticism’?
There are two possible subtextual registers operating here: one, is the anchoring in a kind of Wittgensteinian “showing” that sidesteps interpretative drift; two, is the implicit valorisation of an unquestioned expediency, in the appeal to ‘practical action’ as an unquestioned ‘given’.
The dancing ‘body’ is, in-deed, important, but it is precisely because of that import that it risks returning to whatever insidious & coercive dualisations are floating around: the remnants of Cartesian afterglow.”
As far as I can tell, so far, Laruelle took Derrida very very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that his response against Derrida reads like a satire of Derrida. He really had nowhere else to go, at that level, except to produce a rehabilitation of the ‘real’ or ‘reality’, using Zen-like logics to do so; basically, shifting the philosophical grid away from ontological concern, and onto the populist conceptuality, albeit Zen-powered, of this common term.
That he engages in a conceptual populism is perhaps shown by his practice of basing axiomatic definitions on common epistemological assumption (‘that which everyone already knows’). This is an appeal to the effortlessness of the ordinary. But it is also, as he would say, but is careful not to, an ‘autoposition’ of the ordinary. In addition, my argument would be that this ‘autoposition of the ordinary’, as inflected by an ordinary understanding of science, too easily plays into the hands of a crass, instrumental positivism; from there, perhaps, it is processed into a surface of conceptual consumerism.
This is shown by the considerable elisions of interpretation Laruelle practices in his encounters with Derrida. The ostensible reason for these omissions is structural; he projects onto the ‘philosophies of difference’, the burden of various binary and triadic structures; as characteristic of them, and of ‘ontological philosophy’, in general.
He imagines, that by dispensing with ontological concern, and switching to the conceptual populism of reality, he can escape those structural burdens.
By casting ‘ontological philosophy’, as a Moses before the promised land of Being, Laruelle can then institute his notion of ‘the One’ as a Zen-like immediacy, transforming the onerous textuality of ‘ontological philosophy’ into programmes and workshops under the signs of the ‘real’ and ‘non-philosophy’.
This has the advantage, of course, of socialising ontology, but eventually Laruelle and his followers will find that sheltering in the contemporary nostalgia of social-scientific-empirical modularisation comes at a price. Monotonously chanting positivist mantras, in the name of the ‘real’, does not make that price less exorbitant. No ‘axiom’, however facile, can satisfy that fee.