Home » Responsivities » Aesthetic Transactions » ARTISTRY BEYOND TOTALITY


This was a quick thing, occasioned by reading a long FB post mentioning art and its interpretations. I include it here, on Visions of Temporal Accumulation, because it mentions ‘monadic consideration’, which takes on a specific resonance in my work on General Conceptual Holography.

Whilst the artwork has long been institutionalised as a sociopolitical staging, and mantrick direction, for monadic considerations and contemplations; anything at all, really, can be utilised for such meditations, at the individual’s idiomatic leisure.  The artwork, is thus not necessarily obliged to take sociopolitical form. Neither is it compelled to show, at any point, any signs that might distinguish ‘artistry’ or the ‘artistic’, as if such signposts could position Art and its workings in anything other than a conventional way.
One could, of course, object that an Art without defining boundaries, is no Art at all, or is a totalitarian Art, the hegemony of its aestheticising substance an absolute sublation or sublimation, towards some so-called gesamtkunstwerk or other. Such an objection, of course, has merit as a ‘cautionary’ towards clarity, but speculative considerations of definition do not usually exceed the extrapolatory scope of the conventionscapes of their origination, new maps are required for the heart of art: charts that may well exceed the entire institutionalisation of ‘Art’, without any totalising gestures.

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