Actual quote, & fictive quotes.
I’ll use this page as a device to insert some quotes. I have included the Sextus Empiricus quotation as it voices my own personal views on certain matters.
“I have a thousand tongues and a tongue, but only one mouth to put them in.”
Abu Jabbar
“I Know ‘Athene’s Avenue’ wouId’ve sounded better, but I decided to avoid the excruciatingly obvious.
Author of A ‘Divine Avenue’
“We do not positively affirm that the fact is as we state it, but simply record each fact like a chronicler. as it appears to us at the moment.”
Sextus Empiricus (I think)
“When we were doing the rounds with our “Snow White And The Seven Dwarves” show, we did a gig in the collective consciousness of the Milky Way galaxy, but we didn’t go down too well. Some dumpy planet near the rim – I think it was called Earth or Dirt or Dearth or something – anyway, this Dirty Earth planet was the only place that liked us. Especially the children, their minds were all over us.”
“So yeah, Life has its good points.”
Mizz Snow White