These short pieces were written during the period, roughly around, 1989-1991.
They are short notes and observations, giving a slight taster of an impression of the writing concerns of that period.
Tekhnê is but a season
Two writings compete, for being, and to
govern being. The grey codes of technology
and the green écriture of Earth.
The grey scripture of technics arises from
the graphics of grasp, the argot of apprehension:
and “Man”, the éminence grise, continually
apprehends the world, holds it under a stuttering
arrest, that grows increasingly powerful as his
Technical-Testament steadily takes form.
Who is to say, that under such
artificial and adverse conditions, the vital
inscriptions of Earth and Nature might not
produce lifeforms of unprecedented complexity
and power, monsters and mutations that will
devour their natural prey, the machine?